
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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Preheat the oven to 450°F Pour the homemade cherry filling into the prepared pie crust Top with the lattice crust by carefully weaving the strips of dough over the filling Lay 4 of the longest strips of dough sidebyside in the middle of the pie, each about 1/2 inch apartLine the unbaked crust with parchment paper, fill crust with pie weights (dried beans work, too), and then chill for 30 minutes Then bake in a 375°F oven for minutes Remove the pie from the oven Using the parchment paper, lift out the weights and set aside Using a fork, prick the bottom of the crust all overOn my short list to try from the book Cheese crust, Cookie dough Crust, Coconut Macaroon crust I am a single human household I make the rough puff recipe, divide into 8 "pieces" and freeze I have some 55 inch pyrex pie plates 1/8 of the rough puff/all buttah recipe makes a 1 crust 1 person pie, ¼ a 2 crust 1 person pie Apple Pie Recipe With The Best Filling Video Natashaskitchen Com No worries mom crust is...

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